Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

MyJourney Counselling operates the website It’s our policy to respect the privacy of all our visitors regarding any information we may collect while operating our website.

What to Expect From Us

Your privacy is important to us. We use your data for the sole purpose of providing and improving our services. When it comes to data collecting, we follow a few fundamental principles:

  • We don’t ask you for personal information unless we truly need it. That means we do ask for things like your name and contact details, but not unnecessary details about your life.
  • We don’t share your personal information with anyone else except to comply with the law, protect our rights, or build our business by developing our products and services.
  • We don’t store personal information on our servers unless it’s required for the ongoing operation of our site or our business. You can ask us to delete it at any time.

We will respond to any requests for assistance, questions, or feedback as soon as possible. We may also share the substance of your communication, without any personally identifiable information, to support other customers and clients who may benefit from the answer we provide.

If you have supplied us with any contact details, such as your email address and/or phone number, we may occasionally contact you to let you know about things like new products or services, keep you updated with any new developments or special offers, or ask for your feedback. We make every effort to ensure these communications are as interesting and helpful as possible.

We take all reasonable measures to protect your data and we do not on-sell personal information.

Your Rights to Your Data

If you have an account on this site, you have left comments, or you have interacted with it, you can request to receive an exported file of the personal information we hold about you. This will include information you have provided through mechanisms such as contact forms, pop-ups, or special offer pages. You can also request that we edit or erase this information at any time. However, please note this does not include any data we are obliged to keep for administrative, legal, or security purposes.

Common types of information we collect can include:

  • The domain you used to enter our website
  • The Internet Protocol (IP) address (your unique computer number) you used
  • The type of browser (e.g., Firefox, Internet Explorer, Chrome) you used
  • The operating system (e.g., Windows, Mac OS, Unix) you used
  • The date and time you visit our website
  • The Universal Resource Locators (URLs) of the pages you visited
  • Your username, if it was used to log in at any point
  • The URL of the website that forwarded you to us, if applicable
  •  Any information you voluntarily enter, such as on a contact form.

If You Have Any Questions, Comments, Or Concerns About This Document, Please Contact Us.